JUNE butterfly


~ Pre-dawn on this day of the New Moon, Luna and Neptune mix it up and just cannot get their act together. This way, then that, neither wants to make the necessary compromises or adjustments. You can expect to have some dreams that will shake you up or leave you puzzled as this aspect occurs during sleep-time hours on the east coast.

At 9:06 AM:EDT, ushering in the new moon at 10:05 AM:EDT, the Moon conjuncts Mars. This will give you a surge of energy and ignite your desire to Take Action on whatever it is you are feeling passionate about.  You are ready to go. Hard to keep those horses still. Your emotions are the driving force behind your actions and its quite easy to get carried away. On the Upside, you will have plenty of energy to launch new projects.

The New Moon is at 25 degrees as Gemini heralds the day and sets the tone for the upcoming month. The Sabian Symbol for this Moon suggests that the long cold hibernation is over. The Big Chill is lifting. Its time to ‘get out of doors’ once again. The irritability and listlessness that result from being confined is nearing its end. Prepare your own special ‘Cabin Fever Antidote.’ What are you prepared to re-fresh, re-invent or re-novate?

Things now are being put into action which will counteract and neutralize the ‘frozen state’ which has temporarily suspended your affairs. Business, Financial and Love Affairs all thrive in this fresh, fertile ground where they can grow. Get down to the roots and foundation.  Rebuild and shore up your support. Its a time to stabilize and energize your base. At 10:05 AM:EDT, the Moon conjuncts the Sun; resetting the clock for a new cycle of growth and abundance.




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